Online Training Reservation/Management System

Filter your desired training, for faster reservations:


Having a hard time keeping track of your reservations?

We offer you a full responsive (mobile ready) online booking system.

How does it work?

Once you login you can start entering your training(s).
As soon as you first training is saved, the training will be visable for the public.

And then what?

Eh... nothing ;-)
This system will keep track of available seats and sends a confirmation to each customer once they make the reservation definitive.
You will receive a copy of each reservation, so you keep track of what is going on.

SSL Secured

SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the world's computer networks. SSL is essential for protecting your website, even if it doesn't handle sensitive information like credit cards. It provides privacy, critical security and data integrity for both your websites and your users' personal information.


24 hours before each training day, all participants will receive a reminder - they will thank you for it (guaranteed)!
The trainer receives an email with a participant list. A short overview of each participant and the amount of seats they booked.


24 hours after each training day, all participants will receive an email with a link to your online survey (optional)
If you don't know how to set-up a survey... we recommend you to use Google Forms.

Targeting your customers to the right course

You can guide your customers to the training page of their interest.
Show Training A only  Show Training B only

Login access levels

This application has three types of user login levels: Owner, Admin, and User. Each level has it own permission.

Backend FunctionOwnerAdminUser
View Users
Add User
Edit User
Delete User
View Settings
Translate Application
View Confirmed User List
Edit Confirmed User
Delete Confirmed User
View Active Training List
View Archived Training List
Add Training
Edit Training
Copy Training
Delete Training


It is very easy to translate this reservation system to any language you like.
In the backend (login area) You can translate each sentence to your own needs.


you can choose between active and achived view on the dashboard (2 extra buttons in the backend). Pressing the 'show archived' button will display all trainings that took place in the past. The 'show active' button shows all planned trainings starting from 14 days in the past and newer.

Corporate Identity

We understand you want to keep your brand identity intact
Therefore we will adjust header, footer, colors & email templates to your needs.


Annual license 750€
This includes web hosting (1 database) and maintenance/support.

Dashboard login

You can test the system by logging in into the backend.
Username: demo, Password: demo

Reset all data

Here you can reset all data to clear all your tests and input.